Sample Client Account Page


You are cordially invited to come to Le Reef’s Brazilian Barbecue Night this 16th of October 2016 starting at 8pm. The event will be held in the pool area. We have prepared grills and finger foods to be served for the whole night. Drinks will also be served to everyone.

Welcome Keith! | Settings | Log Out

Property Details

Unit: W92

Type: Sky Mansion X

Size: 1024 Sq. Meters

Terms: Monthly Rental

Monthly Rental: BD. 3,500

Contract Started: January 1, 2015

Contract Ending: December 31, 2015

Agent: Direct Transaction

Documents Copy Link: Sample_File_Here.pdf


Tenant’s Information

Tenant’s Full Name: Keith Mercado

Mobile Number: +973-3992-9289

Other Mobile Number: none

CPR Number: 790252211

Passport Number: ZZ12345

Nationality: Philippines

Family Members:

Account Information

Basic Rental: BD. 3,500

Pet Payment: 0

Additional: 0




(Not a final feature)

January 2015: Paid

February 2015: Paid

March 2015: Paid

April 2015: Paid

May 2015: Paid

June 2015: Paid

July 2015: Paid

August 2015: Paid

September: Paid

October 2015: Due…

November 2015: Unpaid

December 2015: Unpaid


Total due for payment:

BD. 3,500-


Pay Online


NOTE: This is a testing phase. The actual amount that will be billed is only BD. 0.010 (Ten Fills). It will be returned by the system later.